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Being Economical or Saving Money if you Prefer

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:03 pm
by Dallas Baillio
I recently wrote about my "oil change philosophy," if there is such a thing. The point I intended to make is that, being retired and having to make my $$ last out my lifespan, I try to be dollar savy. If I examine a possible expenditure before I buy, I often find that I either have a less expensive alternative at hand, or in reality it is a want and not a need. Case in point. There was a discussion regarding a step that mounts to the front bumper of the Ford chassis that is really convenient for getting to and cleaning the windshield. I liked the idea and almost bought one. Then I reconsidered and decided that a cheap plastic stool I alreadly own works just as well. Another example. Bill Hemme has posted extensive information regarding changing out the converter box for a much better one. I read all he posted, really wanted to change mine out, but decided that I'll try to really remember to service and check my house batteries and hope that I can get buy without replacing them too often. There are many other good points to the conversion that Bill Hemme outlined, but I'll just not be able to take advantage of those. If you look back on my posts you'll see the two most recent outline insurance coverage and tires. Both are concerned with the cost vs. the benefits. I also add that an alternate, contrary, or devil's advocate point of view should be welcomed as long as it is done in a friendly, considerate manner.