2017 Born Free Leap’n Lions RV Club Biennial National Rally Recap
(April 23 - 27)
Thirty seven (37) members of the Born Free Leap’n Lions RV Club came in 20 coaches from 11 states to Newport Dunes RV Resort in Newport Beach, California to attend the 2017 Born Free Leap’n Lions RV Club Biennial National Rally. Along with holding the biennial business meeting, club members enjoyed: good food, delightful weather, wonderful sightseeing trips around the Newport Beach area, very talented entertainment and great fellowship. Some enjoyed pre and post rally tours. The rally was splendidly hosted by Phyllis (VP-SW Region) and Jim Howard.
Sunday afternoon we checked in at the resort and hooked up at our individual camp sites. Later we all met in the Pool Clubhouse for an excellent welcome reception graciously hosted by Phyllis and Jim Howard who gave an update on some of the upcoming rally activities. We were also treated to some very delicious snacks.
Monday morning we were off on a wonderful narrated cruise of one of the world’s largest pleasure craft harbors in and around Newport Beach. Then we had a delicious catered box lunch. In the afternoon it was off to the Crystal Cove State Park. There members enjoyed a narrated history of the park area and a sunny afternoon on the warm sandy beach.
Later Dean Preston, in his last official act as club president, chaired the club’s biennial business meeting. Other officers attending included: Bill Meier (VP-NC Region), Phyllis Howard (VP-SW Region), Jerry Fay (Secretary/Treasurer) and Bill Hemme (Website Administrator). President Dean recognized all club officers for the great job they are doing. Highlights of the meeting may be summarized as follows: minutes of the past meeting were accepted as read; treasurers report was accepted as read, 7 of 11 executive board members are continuing for another 2 year term; the positions of President and VP-NW Region held by Dean and Jan Preston and Janet and Gary Rogers respectively are now open and the positions of VP-SC Region and Rally/Caravan Coordinator continue to be open. We are very appreciative of the contributions these outgoing officers have made to the well-being of the club. They have all done a wonderful job. However, replacements for the open positions are needed. The members in attendance thanked Dean for his many years as club president. (Note: At a previous rally Dean was given a fine plaque in recognition and in appreciation for his years of service and outstanding dedication to the club as president).
We took the Auto Ferry Tuesday morning to Balboa Island to catch the Catalina Flyer for a 1 hour cruise to Catalina Island. On the Island we were free to explore as we liked. Some just relaxed or visited some of the many cool shops and some took various tours of the Island including one to the Catalina Island Conservancy. On the tours some spotted wild life such as bison (reportedly brought to the island in 1924 for movie making purposes), Catalina fox, cranes and other wildlife. Some spotted plant life such as prickly pear cactus, cholla, Spanish bayonet and other plant life along the way. For aviation enthusiasts there was a stop at the 1,602 foot high Catalina Airport in the Sky with a 3,000 foot runway. Then it was back on the Catalina Flier for the cruise back to our home base. The day was capped off with a spectacular evening bayside campfire which was enjoyed by everyone.
Wednesday morning it was off to see the Wild Goose yacht. It is a refurbished World War II mine sweeper once owned by actor John Wayne on which he would relax during periods between movie making. This impressive yacht is now on the National Register of Historic Places. In the afternoon several members participated in a hearty outrigger canoe tour of the back bay and all participants found the strength to paddle the long canoes for the one hour tour.
The evening was spent out in the warm California air, eating a very delicious barbeque dinner on linen covered tables and watching a beautiful sun set over the lovely bay. While dining we listened to Jim Roberts (former performer with the Beach Boys and regular performer at the Newport Beach Yacht Club) play familiar tunes from days gone by. Additionally, the group celebrated Bev Bedard’s birthday with cake and ice cream, Rozella and Bill Meier energetically led the group in line dancing, Jim sang “Route 66” observing Nick and Dee Dee’s recent RV trip along the historic Mother Road from Chicago to LA, Jerry Fay presented retiring club president Dean Preston with a gift in appreciation for his exceptional service to the club and everyone thanked Phyllis and Jim Howard for hosting such an excellent event. Yes, it was a very special evening and a wonderful ending to this great biennial national rally – it was outstanding.
Very special thanks to:
Phyllis and Jim Howard for planning and hosting an absolutely outstanding rally
Born Free Motor Coach for contributing to the barbeque dinner
Dean Preston for his years of outstanding service as club president
Submitted by: Dee Dee and Nick McClain
Nick and Dee Dee McClain have a total portfolio of 228 photos taken on this rally. You can access these photos by clicking on the following website link: http://www.nd.themcclainfam.com. Then when asked, use the following password to access the photos: llrv. Then click on the photo box above identification text - 2017 Biennial National Rally – BF Leap’n Lions RV Club. You will then be able to click on and view each of photos posted there.
2017 Born Free Leap’n Lions RV Club Biennial National Rally
2017 Born Free Leap’n Lions RV Club Biennial National Rally
- Attachments
- Optimized-2017 Leap'n Lions Biennal National Rally - Busness Meeting @ Newport Beach.jpg (261.42 KiB) Viewed 6985 times
- Optimized-2017 Leap'n Lions Biennal National Rally - Group Pic @ Newport Beach.jpg (300.06 KiB) Viewed 6985 times
- Optimized-2017 Leap'n Lions Biennal National Rally - Walking the Dogs at Campsite.jpg (330.37 KiB) Viewed 6985 times
Born Free Leap'n Lions RV Club Website Forum Administrators
(bfadmin-1) Dave Moffat - Primary Administrator
(bfadmin-3) Sandy Perley - Assistant Administrator
(bfadmin-2) Bill Hemme - Backup Administrator
(bfadmin) Email: bfadmin@bornfreervclub.org
(bfadmin-1) Dave Moffat - Primary Administrator
(bfadmin-3) Sandy Perley - Assistant Administrator
(bfadmin-2) Bill Hemme - Backup Administrator
(bfadmin) Email: bfadmin@bornfreervclub.org